Now Available at Retail Pharmacies

Looking for Detailed Product Information?

Click on the products below to find comprehensive details, including clinical evidence and usage instructions.

What to Expect in Store

Once you receive your prescription from your healthcare provider, follow these steps to get your device at your local pharmacy.

*Our chambers are also available by special order at the majority of U.S. pharmacies with delivery within 24 hours.

Pharmacy Icon

Step 1: Visit Your Local Pharmacy
Head to your nearest retail pharmacy store to purchase our products. See below for what products are available at which pharmacies. 

Ask a Pharmacist Icon

Step 2: Pharmacist Assistance
If the product is not immediately available, ask the pharmacist to order one for you. This process might take up to 24 hours. 

Simplified Search icon

Step 3: Simplified Search 
Pharmacists can now perform a keyword search for our products by brand name (e.g., AEROCHAMBER PLUS®, AEROBIKA® OPEP), or product type (e.g., peak flow meter, OPEP device).


Phone: + 1 (800) 833-9653


153 Industrial Boulevard
Plattsburgh, NY 12901
M-F 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST