with optional Manometer Accessory
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The AEROBIKA® Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure Device, or OPEP device, helps to open and clear the airways of your lungs. You may need assistance with this if you have a lung condition like COPD, Bronchiectasis or Cystic Fibrosis.

How can the Aerobika® OPEP device help?

Cough and shortness of breath may be caused by mucus that gets trapped in the lungs. The AEROBIKA® OPEP Device can help remove this mucus and has been clinically proven to improve ventilation, lung function and quality of life as well as reduce COPD ­flare ups.1


How It Works


  1. Before Use: Airways inflamed, collapsed, and plugged with mucus.
  2. As you exhale through the device, positive pressure will hold the airways open. Think of how you feel when you blow up a balloon. It is the positive pressure that holds the balloon open. Inside your lungs, the positive pressure opens up small airways that may be blocked by mucus.
  3. As the airways open, the device switches quickly between higher and lower resistance. This may feel like vibrations or pulses which act to loosen the mucus from the walls of your lungs. The frequency of the oscillations closely match the ones within your lungs, helping move mucus to the larger airways. This makes it easier for you to cough up the secretions.
  4. With the airways opened and the mucus moved out of the airways, your inhaled medication may work better.2

How To Use

AEROBIKA® OPEP Device How to Use

  1. CLOSE LIPS around mouthpiece
  2. INHALE and HOLD for 2-3 seconds
  3. EXHALE – slowly but firmly
  4. REPEAT as directed

These are shortened user instructions. Always review the complete instructions that came with your device.

Instructions for Use/Indications for Use

Quick Start Guide

Patient Information Leaflet

Reliable, Drug Free, Natural Airway Clearance
Breath actuated delivery -
For true on-demand therapy.
Immediate feedback with a visual goal.
Purposely designed to be used together.
When Incentive Spirometry isn’t enough,
adding positive expiratory pressure helps
mobilize secretions and treat atelectasis.
Encourage better patient technique for both therapies.
When PAP or OPEP alone isn’t enough.
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Frequency of use will be determined by the patients’ disease state, their ability and the goal for using the device. There is no one-size fits all answer. Ideally, patients will work up to being able to use the device twice each day for 10-20 minutes each time. Clinical judgement should be used in determining what is right for each patient.

The approved cleaning methods are: soap and water or top rack dishwasher

The approved disinfection methods are: boiling for 5 minutes, 70% isopropyl alcohol soak for 5 minutes, 3% Hydrogen Peroxide soak for 30 minutes, or microwave steam bag (according to manufacturer’s instructions).

We do not recommend use with a mask. In order to maintain a good seal, an unvented mask would need to be used. These types of masks have soft, flexible edges to make it easier to prevent leaks. However, the same properties that make them ideal to create a seal may also impact the effectiveness of the treatment you are giving. The patient would still need to hold the mask and device for the duration of treatment, so we recommend use with a mouthpiece.

The recommended replacement period for the device is 12 months. If prescribed during a hospital stay, the device can be taken home by the patient for continued use. 30-day post-discharge data has shown this can reduce readmissions for COPD exacerbations and post-operative patients by 28% and 39% respectively.

Burudpakdee 2017, Burudpakdee 2018

If you have a question that was not answered here, please contact us.

Clinical Evidence

  • A quick view of the most recent peer-reviewed evidence supporting the chambers. Learn more.

  • An evidence assessment for the integration of the AEROBIKA® OPEP device into the care pathway for COVID-19 patients with airway clearance needs. Watch the video.

  • 28% decrease in readmissions for COPD exacerbations. Learn more.
  • 39% decrease in all-cause rehospitalizations and lower costs for post-operative recovery. Learn more.


  1. Svenningsen S. et al. COPD 2016;13(1):66 – 74.
  2. V Wolkove N, et al. CHEST 2002;121(3):702-7.



“There’s funny little ways that it’s made a difference. I was coughing so hard and there was so much pressure in my lungs that I had to sleep sitting up. It was hard to go out walking my dog for example because I was so breathless. So I really find the device helps to clear my lungs, I’ve been able to lie down at night so that just in itself it is a very good thing because it’s better rest.”


“It means better health, it means I feel better. It also helps to just clear my airways in everyday situations if I want to go out to a show which can be hard to do when you’re a cougher. I use this a lot before I go to clear my airways so I don’t have to run into that problem when I’m out.”


“The Aerobika* OPEP device has proven to be more easy [sic] to use and monitor. We struggle to get my daughter to perform her chest therapy using the traditional [competitive] device. This has proven to be more effective.”


“I have had chronic cough for 5 years now. After just two uses I slept through the night without coughing several times during the night. I normally had severe long cough spells at least once a week…”