Members Share Input: Issue Paper and Position Statements Open for Review

Now through Oct. 31, 2018, AARC members will have the opportunity to share their input regarding a newly revised Position Statement as well as a new Position Statement and Issue Paper. The AARC publishes position statements and issue papers to promote patient safety, quality care, access to respiratory therapy, and cost control. The Position Statements and Issue Papers Committee recently reviewed three AARC Position Statements, and is making the following recommendations:

Position Statements — Committee Reviewed and Recommends Revision*
  • Respiratory Care Scope of Practice
    *To help members know what items have been added or removed, new language is bold face and underlined and removed language appears as strikethrough text.
Position Statement — Newly Developed in response to Committee Charge from President Walsh (02/17/2018) — Committee Developed and Recommends Approval
Issue Paper — Committee Reviewed and Recommends Retiring

In accordance with the AARC Policy Statement CT .008, members are invited to review these statements and provide comments.

Please take a few moments to review each statement. If you have any comments to share with the committee, complete our online form (found below) by Friday, October 31, 2018. Your feedback will help ensure the final statements represent the practice and position of the respiratory care profession.

Position Statements Review Form

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