Good Press: AARC Members in the News November

Good Press: AARC Members in the News features AARC members who were recently noted, quoted and interviewed.

Valerie Norewood

Valerie Norwood
Janet Fantazia

Janet Fantazia

Valerie Norwood talks about her hospital’s new body plethysmograph in this article in The Daily World out of Washington State – including its kid-friendly features. “One on-screen image has a birthday cake with candles on it and another has a balloon that expands,” she was quoted as saying. “These images help the child know how they’re doing.”cake with candles on it and another has a balloon that expands,” she was quoted as saying. “These images help the child know how they’re doing.”

Beverly Jacoby’s hospital is offering a free smoking cessation program and she explains why smokers should attend in this article on “It’s a program to help motivate, help educate and help support people through the smoking cessation process,” she was quoted as saying.

Janet Fantazia comments on her RT program’s step into the world of baccalaureate education in this article in the Modesto, CA, Bee. The program is among several at community colleges in the state approved to develop a bachelor’s degree. “Our field of respiratory is leaning toward the entry level becoming a baccalaureate program anyway, so we’re getting a head start,” Janet was quoted as saying.

Lisa Miller’s new job as director of respiratory and neurology services is the focus of this article in the Sussex Countian out of Delaware. Lisa began at the hospital as a certified respiratory therapist in 2002 and has since gone on to get her RRT credential and is working toward her bachelor’s degree.

Amy Churchill is seeking her second term as a representative on her local school board, reports this article in the Asheville, NC, Citizen-Times. “There’s a lot going on within the school system that I feel very strongly about seeing through, like increasing our STEM education programs,” she was quoted as saying.

Susan Fratini is noted for being named Respiratory Therapist of the Year by the Vermont/New Hampshire Society for Respiratory Care in this article in the Concord, NH, Monitor.