Everyone knows you need to pass the CRT exam – or in a growing number of states now, the RRT exam – to earn your license to practice respiratory care. But other aspects of the credentialing system that governs our profession are less clear to a lot of RTs. The NBRC is hoping to shed some light on the process with a new series of videos.
We’ll be highlighting these videos on a monthly basis here on AARC.org, beginning with this one titled “Who is the NBRC?”
NBRC CEO Lori Tinkler, MBA, explains why the board decided to produce this series.
“As you might know, we have rebranded the NBRC over the last year or so and launched a new website, etcetera,” Tinkler said. “We decided to develop informational videos as an enhancement to our website and another means of communicating with our constituencies.”
Covering all the bases
The first video does a great job introducing the NBRC and its role in the profession. The remaining nine videos cover the rest of the bases. You’ll learn more about the credentials offered by the NBRC – including specialty credentials — and how they can boost your career. You’ll get some tips on making the most of your credentials on the job. And you’ll find out what the NBRC is doing to ensure exam security.
Several of the videos zero in on navigating the credentialing process too, including how to apply for the NBRC exams, use the candidate/practitioner dashboard, and purchase a credential verification letter.
The Continuing Competency Program is explained as well, and information on contacting the NBRC is included for those seeking additional information.
Adding another layer
Tinkler believes the videos are adding another layer to the way the NBRC communicates with candidates, educators, and practitioners alike.
“We know that some prefer to hear rather than read about procedures and policies,” she said. “Some of the videos will be most helpful to educators as they prepare their students about the process for applying for and taking the credentialing examinations. Credentialed practitioners will also find helpful information about the Continuing Competency Program and other services offered by the NBRC.”
You can check out all 10 of the new videos now, or just wait until the next one is highlighted in your weekly News Now @ AARC email newsletter. They are all only about 2-3 minutes long, and we guarantee they are worth a look for anyone who wants to gain a better understanding of RT credentialing.