Clinical Evidence​


Only AEROCHAMBER PLUS® FLOW-VU® chambers were equivalent to the reference device data listed in virtually all innovator inhalers currently approved in the US and European markets. Differences in chamber design, materials and function mean that chambers should not be automatically considered interchangeable. Learn more.

Only AEROCHAMBER PLUS® FLOW-VU® chambers were equivalent to the reference device data listed in virtually all innovator inhalers currently approved in the US and European markets. Differences in chamber design, materials and function mean that chambers should not be automatically considered interchangeable. Learn more.

The author found that it was unequivocal that differences exist between different chambers which in a number of cases are sufficiently large that meaningful and overt clinical differences would be anticipated as a result. Learn more.

Some “antistatic” valved holding chambers (aVHC) have poor antistatic properties and should therefore be considered non-antistatic and primed. Differences in antistatic properties are an important cause of the large performance differences between aVHCs. Learn more.

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