AARC Activates Disaster Fund for Victims of Severe Weather in Georgia

The AARC has activated its Disaster Relief Fund for AARC members in parts of Georgia who sustained property loss or damage as a result of the severe weather that hit the area earlier this month. Members living in federally-declared disaster areas may apply for a grant of up to $500, either online or by mail […]

AARC RFP: A Needs Assessment Study

The American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) invites qualified organizations to submit a bid for conducting a national needs assessment in accordance with the attached project description for Exploring the Status of Non-Physician Advanced Practice Provider Employment Density and Sufficiency of Educational Background in the Care of Patients with Cardiopulmonary Disease. The AARC is seeking a […]

Utah Respiratory Therapist Receives Koga Medal for Work in Ghana

The physicians and nurses pictured here were trained to use the Fanem CPAP machine by Trujillo and her colleagues. When a Ghanaian student named Albert Ncancer came to the U.S. to study respiratory care at Weber State University in Ogden, UT, some ten years ago, Lisa Trujillo, DHSc, RRT, didn’t know any more about the […]

6 Reasons Why Indianapolis is the No. 1 Convention City

AARC Congress 2016 just wrapped up in October, but the Program Committee is already hard at work on next year’s meeting in Indianapolis. Requests for proposals are coming in now, and the committee will have its first formal meeting shortly after the first of the year to go over the results and begin crafting the […]

RT Role in COPD Care Outlined in New Report

The role of the respiratory therapist figures heavily in a new report published in the October 2016 issue (Volume 3, Issue 4) of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases: Journal of the COPD Foundation. The report outlines the results from the second annual National COPD Readmissions Summit, which was convened by the COPD Foundation in March of […]

Get the Resources You Need to Help Patients Like Brian Quit Smoking

Brian grew up with parents who smoked, so when he took his first puff at age eight he never even considered smoking was something that could harm his health. As a respiratory therapist, you work with tobacco dependent patients like Brian every day. Every encounter you have with them is an opportunity to educate them […]

Good Press: AARC Members in the News | January

Mary Growtowski Leah Hendricks Mike Shoemaker Carmen Walser Debra Uhlenbrauck Darcy Ellefson Jessica MacDougall Brian Andrews explains how his Better Breathers Club is helping a 97-year-old World War II vet cope with his congestive heart failure in this article and video on the ABC-TV website out of Dallas, TX. “He’s in here Monday, Wednesday, and […]

AARC Brings RTs, Patients Together in Second Annual Advocacy Summit

Building relationships and advancing respiratory care were the key goals of the second annual Respiratory Patient Advocacy Summit that took place just prior to AARC Congress 2016 in San Antonio this past October. Respiratory therapists from the AARC gathered with patients and caregivers to talk about key issues of concern and learn directly from patients […]

Take the ARCF Holiday Charity Challenge on #GivingTuesday

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, most of us have our minds clearly focused on a great meal with family and friends – and many of us are thinking ahead to all the holiday shopping we’ll soon be doing too. As we get into the spirit of giving, we’re hoping all of you will consider […]

Good Press: AARC Members in the News December

Good Press features AARC members who were recently noted, quoted and interviewed Lynda Ferris This article on the Sierra Wave Media website out of California highlights Kevin Christensen’s RT department in honor of RC Week, citing the many services they offer, including pulmonary function testing, EKGs, and smoking cessation counseling. Tracy Simpson receives great RC Week […]