Telehealth is Right Here, Right Now for South Carolina RT

Anita Shuler gets ready to conduct a telehealth session with a student and school nurse at a local school. “Thank you so much for teaching me.” Anita Shuler, RRT, AE-C, regularly hears comments like that from the children she provides asthma education to via a telehealth initiative operated by the Medical University of South Carolina […]

From AARC to You: Free Ethics Course for Our 70th Anniversary

Register for Course with Social Media or News Now Code The AARC will be celebrating 70 years as an association on April 15, and we never could’ve made the progress we’ve made in those 70 years without all the dedicated RTs who care for patients every day. We’ll be recognizing your contributions to the profession all month […]

AARC Provides Guidance to States Seeking an RRT Entry to Licensure

View the Guidelines Every new RT graduate out there today is eligible to sit for the written TMC exam, and based on test scores, qualify for the clinical simulation exam (CSE) to earn the RRT. But recently, there has been change in the licensure acts of some states with others currently under consideration. Three states […]

PACT Members Have What It Takes

The AARC’s Political Advocacy Contact Team will be in Washington, DC, next Tuesday to lobby members of Congress on issues important to the respiratory care profession and the patients who depend on our care. Their main message: include RTs in any telehealth legislation that is introduced into Congress this year. Who are these PACT members […]

Good Press: AARC Members in the News | May 2017

From left to right, Jason Elder, Shannon Edwards, Jose Bandek, Kayla Debich, and Cathy Bitsche. Tracy Cook Kasey Baldwin Deryl Gulliford Lynda Glagola Sheila Guidry Annie Welsch was honored by her local sheriff’s office for helping to save a little girl’s life after a car crash, reports this article in the Omaha, NE, World-Herald. “I’m […]

CVS Cigarette Ban Linked to Higher Quit Rate

Did the CVS decision to quit selling tobacco products in its nationwide chain of pharmacies really do any good? Yes it did, report Rhode Island researchers publishing in the April edition of the American Journal of Public Health — at least among regular cigarette purchasers at CVS. Using data on household cigarette purchasing, they found […]

Support Telehealth and Keep Those E-mails Flowing

We’re in the middle of our Virtual Lobby Week  and we’re asking you to keep those e-mails flowing to your Members of Congress in support of telehealth. Your colleagues will be on Capitol Hill Tuesday, April 4 to ask Congressional leaders to include respiratory therapists in any telehealth legislation that is introduced into this Congress.  […]

Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Patients Live Longer and This May Be Why

A new study funded by a grant from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation finds a disturbing difference in life expectancy between people with cystic fibrosis here in the U.S. and those in Canada. Specifically, Canadians with the disease live, on average, ten years longer than Americans with the condition. The study was based on a comparison […]

Get Ready for Wow at Congress 2017 in Indianapolis

Want to get a jump on Congress 2017 registration? Sign up now and save $100, and stay tuned for the summer release of the Online Congress Program! Get the Earlybird Rate This year’s AARC Congress event will take place in Indianapolis, IN, next Oct. 4–7, and there’s plenty to be excited for. If you missed last year’s event […]

This is the Week to Celebrate Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Chronic lung disease patients depend on respiratory therapists to get them through the acute exacerbations caused by their conditions. But these patients need RTs to help them after the acute episode is over too, and that’s where pulmonary rehabilitation comes into play. These life-enhancing programs show patients how they can live well despite chronic lung […]