Chambers Overcome Coordination Issues1

Medical imaging showing dose delivery differences between AeroChamber and MDI alone
If using an inhaler, or MDI, alone, even a short half-second delay reduces the prediction lung delivery to approximately 1% of the intended dose. The AEROCHAMBER PLUS® FLOW-VU® chamber holds the medication suspended for an extended period, allowing patients more time to inhale their medication.1

Despite the continuous innovation of inhaler devices, patient technique has not improved over time.

A graphic illustrating icons of people with the information '80% of people have incorrect inhaler technique,' highlighting the widespread issue of improper inhaler use. This visual emphasizes the importance of using devices like the AEROCHAMBER PLUS® FLOW-VU® AVHC to improve medication delivery and inhaler effectiveness.
Efficient Dosing is Essential 
AEROCHAMBER PLUS® FLOW-VU® aVHC is designed to deliver the right dose, every time.2 
Why? Because precise timing and delivery overcomes poor technique and ensures optimal treatment. Don’t let bad timing cause expensive medicine to go to waste.
Study Comparing AeroChamber with Two Other Chambers
Different chambers deliver different amounts of medication
Predicted delivery of medication to the lungs with the AEROCHAMBER PLUS® FLOW-VU® chamber was almost double that of the other chambers tested.

Why? Because the unique design of the AEROCHAMBER PLUS® FLOW-VU® chamber3 reduces medication loss to the throat and mouth, enhancing deep lung delivery and improving overall medication efficacy.

Consistency is Key
AEROCHAMBER PLUS® FLOW-VU® aVHC has over 40 years of improving patient outcomes. 
Why? Because consistent, proven performance leads to better disease management. Chambers deliver different amounts of medication and should not be considered interchangeable.
Chart showing the impact of incorrect inhaler technique leading to reduced lung activity, poor asthma control, and increased risk of exacerbations

Ensure inhaler medication gets to the lungs, where it’s needed.

Graphic showing lungs and medication droplets comparing AEROCHAMBER to MDI alone


Deep Lung Delivery is Crucial
AEROCHAMBER PLUS® FLOW-VU® aVHC delivers every puff deep to the lungs.

Why? Because proper lung penetration ensures maximum medication efficacy. Chambers aren’t interchangeable due to their unique design features.

Chart showing the impact of incorrect inhaler technique leading to reduced lung activity, poor asthma control, and increased risk of exacerbations
Effective medication delivery.
Validated Safety and Efficacy
Our brand of chambers delivers the intended dose established by the pharmaceutical company.

Other chambers cannot make this claim.

Why? Because only the AEROCHAMBER PLUS® FLOW-VU® brand is specifically designed and tested to ensure consistent medication delivery, reducing variability and enhancing therapeutic outcomes.

People who use a chamber with their inhaler have been shown to have better asthma control.4


Guidelines recommend use of chambers for people of all ages. 

For patients who have trouble coordinating inhalation with device actuation, the use of a chamber (with a valve) may obviate this difficulty. The use of chambers is mandatory for infants and young children.

American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP)/American College of Allergy | Asthma & Immunology 2005

For patients prescribed pressurized metered dose inhalers (pMDIs) use of a chamber improves delivery and (for ICS) reduces the potential for local side-effects such as dysphonia and oral candidiasis.

Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention 2021 | Global Initiative on Asthma.

Prescribe for all of your MDI patients

Prescribing the AEROCHAMBER PLUS® FLOW-VU® brand of chambers to both children and adults helps ensure they are receiving the full benefit from their inhaler.

Based on life cycle testing, we recommend replacing the device after 12 months of continuous use.5

Need to order the AEROCHAMBER PLUS® FLOW-VU® aVHC?

Click here for the AEROCHAMBER PLUS® FLOW-VU® Product Line Product and item codes

For inquiries on wholesale ordering, please contact us


  1. Suggett J et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2020;201:A5689

  2. Hagedoorn, P., Bawary, W., Frijlink, H. W., & Grasmeijer, F. (2020). A comparative analysis of changes in pMDI drug dose delivery before and after detergent coating using five antistatic valved holding chambers. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 8(3), 1124-1125.e4.

  3. Zhou, Y., et al. (2014). “In Vitro Comparisons of Drug Delivery Using Different Spacers.” Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery, 27(5), 347-356.

  4. Lavorini, F., & Usmani, O. S. (2013). Correct inhalation technique is critical in achieving good asthma control. Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 22(4), 385–386.

  5.  Suggett J et al. The impact of inhalation delay on lung drug delivery: using functional respiratory imaging (FRI) to compare metered dose inhaler (MDI) and MDI/Valved Holding Chamber (VHC) Systems. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2020;201:A5889.